What is Instructor-led Training?
Instructor-led training is the classic, traditional way of training and learning. Also called LEVEL ONE training. You’ve got a teacher and a bunch of students, and the instructor teaches those students through formal means.
The term is deceptively broad. Classrooms, workshops, and webinars are all considered instructor-led training. But it makes sense.
It’s important to have instructor-led training in your learning strategy. Training sessions with an instructor can be more responsive and specific. The teacher can field questions as they come up, as well as gauge the mood of the room and adjust their approach to be more engaging.
In short, it’s fairly dynamic even if it’s traditional.

By necessity, instructor-led training events are held at a specific time and place. This allows for relatively easy management. The courses are planned, and people must show up if it’s required. That all makes it easy to ensure that learners complete material on schedule.
However, Only 10% of learning happens in traditional classroom settings.
An instructor-led workshop encourages learners to talk with one another, watch and imitate others, and get hands-on experience. It’s an opportunity to blend formal learning with the informal, social learning that accounts for the other 90% of learning.
Instructor-led training encourages teamwork. It gives learners direct access to experts, which is a great way to ensure learners understand and can apply concepts.
Ok, I’m convinced. But how do I use my cloud-based learning management system (LMS) to do instructor-led training?
The easiest way to bring instructor-led training into your LMS is through blended learning. Blended learning is a learning strategy that has an in-person piece in addition to the eLearning. The in-person part can be a workshop or a webinar. Or even a skills demonstration. Because, while it’s important to pass a quiz, the real test is whether the learner can perform the task in real life.
Instructor-led training is an important part of a robust, modern LMS. When you’re comparing vendors be sure to ask how their system facilitates instructor-led training.